WABCOWÜRTH Workshop Services GmbH
Schliffenstraße 22
Telephone +49 7940 981863-0
Telefax +49 7940 981863-5555
WABCOWÜRTH Workshop Services GmbH, Based in Künzelsau, Registration office
Handelsgericht Stuttgart - HRB 590 567
Vat no.: DE247878434
Managing directors: Nicole Wolter, Frank Bartsch
WABCOWÜRTH Workshop Services GmbH takes great care in collating the content of this website and ensures it is updated regularly. However, the statements made here are not binding and are for the purposes of general information only. They do not represent detailed, personal advice. WABCOWÜRTH Workshop Services GmbH offers no guarantee for the currency, accuracy or completeness of the information on this site, or that accessing it will always be trouble-free. Where there are links to websites belonging to third parties, WABCOWÜRTH Workshop Services GmbH takes no responsibility for the content of the sites being linked to.
When using links, you are leaving the information provided by WABCOWÜRTH Workshop Services GmbH. Different regulations may apply to the offerings of third parties, particularly with regard to data protection. Furthermore, WABCOWÜRTH Workshop Services GmbH accepts no liability for negligent dereliction of duty regarding services, especially regarding the downloading of files provided by WABCOWÜRTH Workshop Services GmbH on the WABCOWÜRTH Workshop Services GmbH website.